Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Bush, McCain call for offshore drilling while Midwest towns are drowning

The nerve of these guys! Tim Russert tragically passed away, and the Midwest is under water! This morning, President Bush called for removing a federal ban on offshore oil drilling. This
"increase in supply" is supposed to alleviate some of the high oil price blues, however the amount of additional oil will barely impact our oil prices. The worst natural disaster since
Katrina, and these men ask for more oil profit!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Disappointingly, Obama is Not a Guarantee

With Bush's approval rating down to a new low of 29% and McCain's promise for more of the same, it would seem that Obama can't loose. However, there are five things that Matthew Rothschild has said may not help his campaign. 

1. Massive Mistake - Obama needs to keep a clear head and stay away from any misspeaking.
2. Plunderous Debates - He can't mess them up.
3. Say "No" to Cocaine - His past nose candy experimenting may be detrimental.
4. Race - America's uneasy blood will get a boiling.
5. Bush Bombing Iran - A new military conflict would be honey for McCain.

McCain Wants to Drill off Coast

John McCain is hoping for votes from the "I Love Oil" camp, what else is new in the news these days? McCain is proposing that the federal ban on offshore oil drilling be lifted to help soaring gas prices. McCain believes this will help combat America's dependence on foreign oil. 

Come on McCain, I thought you were trying to distant yourself from the rest of your party!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Map of Humanity

I was looking through the newest top news on current dot com today when I stumbled upon this map posted by thedismemberentplan. This is one crazy depiction on the state of humanity!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

US lists Polar Bears on the Endangered Species Act

Yesterday the USA placed the Polar Bear on the Endangered Species Act. A bit late on the bureaucrats in my opinion. I hope that the entire ice sheet doesn't melt before its too late though. 

Monday, May 12, 2008

What do YOU eat?

What we eat as Americans has a direct relationship to the health of our planet. Our “national eating disorder” is unsustainable, unhealthy, harmful to our planet, and seriously needs to be addressed. Michael Pollan illustrates our impact on the Earth through our eating habits by taking us on a journey through different types of meals: industrial, organic/alternative, and food we hunt or gather ourselves. The new Green Agricultural revolution through fossil fuel based fertilizers has brought Americans a higher standard of living and a tool against natural carrying capacity. It has also poisoned our land. 

Omnivores are the highest animals on any food chain. Meat production and consumption are ecologically expensive. This human activity of eating meat is hardwired in our nature, and the shape of our teeth can illustrate this, but we can now survive without it. Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations and Agribusiness profit from a business model that supports the “get big our get out” ideology. This paradigm is changing with the acknowledgment that these activities contribute to diminishing biodiversity, water pollution, toxicity, and salinization. Pollan argues that these industrial meals need to become less frequent, and America must change their agriculture policy. World meat production will continue to rise as developing nations acquire a higher standard of living, but this production needs to move away from CAFOs, and towards smaller, sustainable, and diverse operations.

A change in incentives need to occur in agriculture policy. The Naylor Curve “purports to show why falling farm prices force farmers to increase production in defiance of all rational economic behavior.” Farmers today receive massive governmental subsidies to overproduce corn in America. The massive surplus of mono-cropped is then fed to cows in CAFOs. Food travels an average of 1,500 miles from cultivation to consumption. Transitioning from fossil fuel based agriculture to smaller local farms can help in addressing the problem of sustainability. The Slow Food movement tries to address the problems with today’s industrial food chain.

“Slow Food is fundamentally about supporting local farmers, preserving cultural customs, promoting organic agriculture, and teaching people to rely on themselves - not on franchised eateries - for their sustenance.”

Saturday, May 10, 2008

It's gonna be Obama

So here we are, Hillary has fought a hard battle, but it's time to gather America's support behind the next President of the United States of America. We have had to live through an administration that is sure to go down in history as one of the worst ever. I don't know about you, but I sure have had enough of the same old Washington game. The working class of America deserves somebody that will listen to them, and work towards a new America. We're facing a recession that a "Bush's third term" cannot fix. Obama may even look into criminal prosecution of our current war criminals. We're making history!